Having spoken or unspoken Expectations of Engagement can ruin a relationship. Having Agreements of Engagement can strengthen a relationship.
Let’s set some Agreements:
I AGREE to take 100% Responsibility for my role in our relationship, no more and no less. My goal is for this to be a 5 out of 5-Star experience. If you bring your best and I kinda "phone it in" halfheartedly, the most we could achieve is 3 stars, and vice versa. Also, if I feel attached to you taking certain actions in certain ways then I am taking MORE than 100% responsibility for your experience and this behavior will diminish the experience if it is not noticed, acknowledged and released. Do you Agree to take 100% Responsibility for your role?
I AGREE to share feedback with you when it serves your Goals and desired Outcomes, even when it may be on my growth edge, just outside my Comfort Zone. I AGREE to share feedback with the best intentions for your success, from a place of caring and generosity. Do you Agree to practice Revealing rather than Concealing with me too?
I AGREE to acknowledge when I am Below the Line. Do you Agree to do this too?
I AGREE to answer your questions and explain concepts when you ask. Sometimes the best way to explain is to demonstrate and have you experience for yourself. Do you agree to listen with the intention of LEARNING rather than reinforcing your existing beliefs?
I AGREE to call you at the time we schedule. I set this time aside, just for you, and commit to it. This applies to existing clients and potential clients. I understand that sometimes conflicts arise. Please consider your Integrity of Agreements, how you prioritize your personal health and wellbeing, and how often you reschedule before making a decision to ask to change the meeting time. Do you agree to notify me as soon as you know you will not be able to attend our meeting at the agreed upon time? Setting rules or penalties to enforce agreements is not necessary. If this agreement is broken more than once, we will have a conversation to understand what pattern is getting in the way of you keeping agreements and this will likely be very insightful to the health of other relationship in your life as well.
One of the ways I can provide the most value to you is to illuminate patterns that are not serving you. Open to receiving this as a GIFT and to trust that my words are shared with the best intentions for you and your success. Whatever comes up, we can Welcome that. The more we trust each other, the more direct I can be with feedback and observations, and the more quickly we can shift from suffering or stagnation to success in your professional and personal life.
I only work with people who have invested already in personal development, are living a great life, and know it can be even more spectacular - in an exponential way. You are a highly knowledgeable expert in your field and have a strong track-record of success. You also have a proven ability to create a life of your dreams. I support your drive and desire to expand upon this foundation and create even more elegant and satisfying success. Thank you for choosing me as a Coach and Guide, and for choosing YOURSELF.